Friday, June 5, 2009

Oh the Benefits of the Sun!

Pooh Corner had lots of fun in the sun today! Bailey and Owen explored the sand in the boat. They got only a little sand in their hair this time! Maverick and Anna enjoyed a stroller ride which was so relaxing that they fell asleep. :) Isabella was content watching others play from her bouncy seat and she fell asleep as well. Joshua was busily pushing the lawn mower all over the playground. When he got tired, he stopped to take a break. It didn't last long though because he was back up and pushing that mower before you could even say “fun in the sun”! That sure is hard work! The children really enjoyed all the time they spent outside today!

Well that's it for the week! Youth Group will start their posts next week when Casey is with us all day! Have a great sunshine-y weekend!


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