Sunday, June 28, 2009


(This post was written a week prior to posting it)

This week has been a busy start to our summer program! We kicked off by having a photo shoot for our summer passports. After applying for the passport and making sure the information was correct, we received our first “stamp” when we 'traveled' to the Hawaiian Islands!

After discussing where Hawai'i was located and looking at some pictures, we created our own leis to wear and also to give away to the father's at the luau. We also talked about surfing and how it was a very popular activity in Hawai'i. Unfortunately we don't have waves around here big enough to try surfing ourselves, we did get to design our own surfboards. Some of the boys were disappointed they didn't get a chance to “slash a wave”.

Other highlights of this week included making posters about ourselves to share with our old and new friends for the summer. We also created a special surprise for our wonderful fathers! Despite the overcast weather, we were still able to enjoy our first water play day of the summer! The children had a blast running through the sprinkler!

Our week culminated by hosting the Father's Day Luncheon, which we made a Luau this year! Several of the youth group kids helped serve our fathers a well-deserved lunch. We had a great turn-out this year and really enjoyed seeing all the father's get together with the kids!

We hope you have a great weekend! Monday we 'leave' for Mexico!


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