Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Bubbles, Bubbles, Bubbles!!

Bubbles are one of the most-loved activities among children! Blowing Bubbles is a fun and inexpensive way to incorporate sensory activities into our classroom. How many things can you do with bubbles? Well for starters, you can paint with them, chase them, blow them, touch them, and of course pop them!

As soon as we came near the children holding the bottle of bubbles, their faces lit up with excitement! The bubbles soon filled the air and the children smiled and clapped their hands. Some of the children crawled after the floating bubbles. Others watched the bubbles fall lazily to the ground. And some others tried popping the bubbles with their tiny hands, then they would laugh at the sound and the fact that the bubble had suddenly vanished!

Here are a few pictures from our bubble fun and the time we spent in the sandbox this week!


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