Recently, our class has been practicing playing musical chairs. It’s quite a sight to see the children having such fun to the music! We're slowly getting the hang of it though. The children love to hop, stomp, march, and walk backwards around the chairs. Some of our friends still need to be reminded about how we sit when the music stops and stand when the music starts. But we all are having fun playing the game nonetheless.
We've also been going crazy over markers lately! Our friends think it is so cool to take the lid off and then put it back on. They do this over and over again to their little hearts' content, especially Lola! ;) We think that Aiden's favorite color is green because he asks for that color most of the time and usually spends a long time coloring with it.
Here's a couple pictures to enjoy taken today. See you next week!

Congratulations! Excellent Blog - I enjoyed reading it and seeing the pictures! Thumbs up!