Thursday, June 4, 2009

Leather, Vinyl, & Wool... Oh My!

What do leather, vinyl, and wool all have in common?

Well... in Big Bird this week, those are the things we have been using to create touch 'n' feel baby farm animal books! Already we have colored a calf, a lamb, and a piglet. After coloring the pictures, the children glued on their sensory materials: black leather on the calf; pink-textured vinyl for the piglet; and of course, white wool for the lamb. The children are really enjoying the activity and its appeal to their sense of touch in a variety of ways.

We are also anxiously awaiting the rest of our family fun surveys. We are excited to learn more about our families and to display their pictures in our room for the children to look at throughout the day!

Happy Thursday!

-Miss Jolene & Miss Lois


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