Here is the template, just click to view the full size, and print. The pattern is 8 inches tall so you can use it sideways on letter-size foam, or you can always resize it to be a bit smaller.

Next, transfer the pattern to a bright piece of foam and cut out. You can also experiment with other materials.
Take a picture. For best results, the picture should be a head-n-shoulders shot. Print so that the picture is about 2" - 2.5" around. Cut it out in a circle shape and laminate the photo.
Use double-sided tape to adhere the photo to the middle of the surf board. Write your greeting under the photo with foam marker or a thin sharpie.
Turn your child loose with decorations! We used foam flower stickers that we picked up at JoAnn's, but the possibilities are endless!
At the end, I tried to fashion a surfboard tail to adhere to the back so the surfboard would stand up on a desk.... suffice to say that it failed! Nothing I seemed to do worked and I was making a complete mess of things. So instead, we decided it was better to slap a small piece of magnet tape on the back. If you make a surfboard and devise a way to make it stand, please share!
So here it is: the final product!
Have fun making these, and if you do, take a picture and show us!