Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Red Light, Green Light
As they reach the corner by Big Bird Buddies door, they encounter an interesting traffic light... Ms. Jolene. As they get close to Ms. Jolene she tells them the color of the traffic signal. They then decide whether they should stop or continue running.
Many of the children spend their entire outside time running circles and paying close attention to the traffic signals. They do not even realize they are improving fitness, stamina, listening skills, and coordination. They are too busy having fun!
The next time you are at a light with your child encourage them to recognize the color and appropriate action.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Parent Discussion Topic: Separation Anxiety
Answer: (Reply to this post with answers to this question.)
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Welcome to a New School Year!
Now to change gears.
Looking ahead, we have a lot of things to be excited about this year! Here are just a few of those things.
-A Renewed excitement and commitment to this blog. You will probably notice some little changes in our little corner of cyberspace. We will be adding new types of posts, such as the new parent discussion topics published on some Saturdays. Those will be a topic starter where you as parents can give tips and tricks, advice, and personal experience stories to answer other parents' questions. We are also setting up a way to download newsletters and calendars directly to your computer. **If you have any suggestions about how we can make this blog more resourceful for you, please let us know what they are!**
-A New parent advisory committee. Parents from around the building have volunteered time to help plan events and activities that will be happening around the center. They will also act as advocates for the rest of the parents in the center by helping improve communications and your experiences at our center. If you would like to be a part of the committee, you are welcome to join by talking to Kim. The parent advisory committee has already had their first meeting and Kim will make the minutes from that meeting available to any other parent who is interested.
-More family activities and connections. We are planning to have family events almost every month during this school year. Sometimes the event will be an at-school event and sometimes it will be an evening or weekend event. Some highlighted events include a Friday evening tailgate party in October, Decorate a family gingerbread house at pick-up time in December, and a Friday Movie/pajama night in January. Watch for more information about these events in your child's cubby.
Remember that Tuesday, September 22 is our Curriculum night. It starts at 6:00 and will last about an hour. Kids, bring your parents to show them how much fun you have at school!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
A Special Week
We were able to see pictures of Yuri and her sister in Kimonos. A Kimono is a traditional Japanese dress that girls wear on a special event, such as the New Year. We also looked at a picture of Kenshin on Children’s Day, May 5th, in Japan. They provided us with a picture of the beautiful Himeji Castle and of Kinkakuji (Golden Temple), which is one of the most famous temples in Japan, and of the highest mountain in Japan, Mt. Fuji.
We were able to play an origami sumo wrestling game, made by Kenshin’s mother. The students really enjoyed tapping the corner of the game to make the paper wrestlers move, trying to make their opponent fall from the board first. We were able to see many examples of origami, such as a cat, a dog, a frog, and a heart.
This week was a true learning experience as we were able to incorporate real pictures, real games, real stories, and real people into our education! We would like to give a special thank you to both Kenshin and Yuri’s family.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Educational Activity for Home
Brief Description:
Pour different color paints on separate paper plates. This will provide your child with optimal choices. Supply your child with a piece of paper and a flyswatter. The flyswatter becomes the paintbrush and the artwork relies on their imagination.
-Some suggestions you might make to encourage thinking include:
* Ask questions about the colors your child chooses to use.
* Help your child recognize how the colors change as they overlap or mix. Are they making a new color? Are they getting darker? Are they getting lighter? To strengthen the chance of color changes supply only primary colors and either black or white for your child to paint with.
* Encourage your child to find multiple ways to use the flyswatter as a painting device (ex. Swatting paint on the paper, pushing paint around the paper, pressing it to make a definite flyswatter shape: like a stamp).
* Explore whether or not the pattern is effected if the flyswatter is used more quickly. More slowly?
Key Developmental Indicators that correspond with this activity:
Communication and Language: Listening and Responding
Creative Representation: Exploring Building and Art Materials
Social Relations: Playing with Others
Movement: Moving Parts of the Body, Moving with Objects
Time: Experiencing Fast and Slow
Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand.
Chinese proverb
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Exploring The Outback
During the week we explored The Outback of Australia by decorating our own boomerangs. We also created our own version of a Dideridoo, which is a wooden tubular musical instrument used by native Australians.
Our cooking project was an Australian treat called Banana Pops. To make this yummy treat we took half a banana and rolled it in honey and coconut. After freezing it overnight we were able to eat them!
We also discussed that Australia is known for having beautiful beaches along its coast. Since we could not go to the beach we tried our best to bring it to us! First we used sand to decorate some tropical fish. We planned an exciting field trip to Nixon Pool. However, the weather did not cooperate and our trip was postponed. Luckily, we did get a chance to play in the sprinkler on water play day, here at ABC Academy.
This week, we have ventured off to Germany. A highlight for the week: we will be making our own handmade pretzels and pinwheels!
Ice Cream Social
Last week, during our water play day, the children began collecting new classroom pets… small rocks and woodchips. What creative imaginations we have in our room! The children made homes for our new pets using buckets and carried them around, everywhere they went.
This week we are hoping that the weather cooperates and stays warm as we look forward to our next water play day, on Friday the 31st.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Smell the Roses
During outside time on Wednesday, Gabbi walked up to me with little white weeds in her hand. She put them up to her nose and breathed in their fragrance. Did they have a fragrance, you ask. To a child’s intricate imagination, of course they did. Judging by her smile, it was fresh and wonderful. "For you," she told me and added, "they need water." As we walked inside to place a handful of little weeds, which strongly resembled flowers into a cup of water, I was reminded of how special the little things in life truly are.
The problem? If you’re not looking for these little gifts, they could pass by unnoticed. Therefore, I am taking this opportunity to encourage you, all of you, to take time to smell the roses… or weeds, whichever you have handy!
Until Next Time,
Ms. Jolene
Thursday, July 16, 2009
A World Different From Our Own
The kids created Rangolia designs on Monday by gluing colored rice onto geometric shapes. They learned that single women in India create these designs to increase their potential for good fortune.
On Wednesday we made Indian Tigers. We painted paper plates orange and glued on ears, eyes, and black stripes. We learned that 60% of the world’s tigers can be found in the jungles of India.
To begin our day today we learned that because of the dry climate in India the people are unable to produce crops. To supplement this disadvantage they collect water from the Indian Ocean and the Bay of Bengal and allow the water to evaporate; leaving behind salt. We conducted our own salt experiment by making salt water and setting it outside in the sun. The kids took turns during the day observing the water level and updating their friends on the process. By the end of the day they were able to see that once the water evaporated there was, indeed, only salt left behind. Later in the day we spent our group time making a batch of Kheer (sweet rice pudding) which is an Indian dish. The children took turns adding ingredients and again, observing the changes. We were able to eat the final product for our afternoon snack. "Mmm… it’s really good," Jack said as he tasted the mixture of milk, rice, raisins, sugar, and sliced almonds and listened to five mealtime customs, for example, Indians eat several small meals a day.
Overall, this week was a week full of learning, experimenting, and, as always, having fun!
Make Kheer at home. Here's how:
Kheer (Sweet Rice Pudding)
½ cup basmati or long-grain rice
4 cups milk
¼ cup raisins
1 cup sugar
1 teaspoon cardamom seeds
¼ cup almonds, slivered
1.Wash the rice and soak in water for 30 minutes. Drain well.
2.Boil the milk in a large pan. Lower the heat and add the rice and cardamom seeds.
3.Simmer on low heat until mixture thickens to a pudding-like consistency, about 1½ to 2 hours.
4.Stir every 5 to 10 minutes to prevent mixture from sticking to sides and bottom.
5.When the mixture has thickened, remove from the heat. Let cool about 25 minutes, and then add the sugar and stir well.
6.Add the raisins and almonds. Serve hot or cold.
Serves 4 to 6.
Our Summer Travels
Next, we celebrated the fourth of July in the United States, in Washington, D.C. The children were able to use red, white, and blue flannel pieces to construct American flags. They also used toothbrushes, glitter, and pipe cleaners to paint their own fireworks.
Last week, we stopped in France and became artists. We painted at an easel and used a painter’s palette, pretending we were famous French artists.
This week our trip has taken us to India. We are experiencing the smells of some of the spices of India. We will be creating a representation of Curry Rice.
We are looking forward to going south across the ocean to Australia. We will enjoy exploring and talking about some of the interesting animals that can be found there.
After that, north to Germany and then…
We have already had so many different experiences. Wouldn’t you like to join us in our travels? We are having so much fun!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Picnic on the Playground
We found a perfect place to have our picnic. We spread our blanket out on the playground overlooking
our friends from Magic Kingdom who were enjoying their outside time. We really had fun watching them run around, use the hula hoops, and ride the bicycles. We rarely have such amazing entertainment at lunch time.
Our friends took turn between bites (well sometimes between bites) being silly or smiley for the camera. Yuri shared a big smile and Maria shared a silly way to eat mandarin oranges.
A picnic was a wonderful idea. However, after a morning of playing and eating outside, nap time became a wonderful idea too.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
"We're All Friends Here"
Alex could not be more correct. We are all friends here and our amount of friends increased by two this week. Yuri and Bryce became our newest Big Bird Buddies, but not for long. We are excited to announce that Elliott will join us next week. The more the merrier!
Our new friends received letter links. Letter links are pictures of common objects that correspond with the beginning sound of the children’s names and are used to help them learn to identify their names; Bryce broccoli, Yuri yoyo, and Elliott elephant. They will also use these to recognize their diaper drawers, cubbies, and artwork. Our new friends have begun potty training with us (Elliott is already well on his way!). We will focus on their awareness and frequent visits to the bathroom.
We are pleased to have them in our room and we are ready to help them grow, learn, and succeed.
Reminder: We are having a Summer Picnic this Friday. Please send only cold lunches with your child, as we do not want them trying to eat anything hot on a blanket. Thank you!
Happy Birthday Ms. Lois on Friday!
~Ms. Jolene and Ms. Lois
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Project: Surfboard Gifts
Here is the template, just click to view the full size, and print. The pattern is 8 inches tall so you can use it sideways on letter-size foam, or you can always resize it to be a bit smaller.

Next, transfer the pattern to a bright piece of foam and cut out. You can also experiment with other materials.
Take a picture. For best results, the picture should be a head-n-shoulders shot. Print so that the picture is about 2" - 2.5" around. Cut it out in a circle shape and laminate the photo.
Use double-sided tape to adhere the photo to the middle of the surf board. Write your greeting under the photo with foam marker or a thin sharpie.
Turn your child loose with decorations! We used foam flower stickers that we picked up at JoAnn's, but the possibilities are endless!
At the end, I tried to fashion a surfboard tail to adhere to the back so the surfboard would stand up on a desk.... suffice to say that it failed! Nothing I seemed to do worked and I was making a complete mess of things. So instead, we decided it was better to slap a small piece of magnet tape on the back. If you make a surfboard and devise a way to make it stand, please share!
So here it is: the final product!
Have fun making these, and if you do, take a picture and show us!
This week has been a busy start to our summer program! We kicked off by having a photo shoot for our summer passports. After applying for the passport and making sure the information was correct, we received our first “stamp” when we 'traveled' to the Hawaiian Islands!
After discussing where Hawai'i was located and looking at some pictures, we created our own leis to wear and also to give away to the father's at the luau. We also talked about surfing and how it was a very popular activity in Hawai'i. Unfortunately we don't have waves around here big enough to try surfing ourselves, we did get to design our own surfboards. Some of the boys were disappointed they didn't get a chance to “slash a wave”.
Other highlights of this week included making posters about ourselves to share with our old and new friends for the summer. We also created a special surprise for our wonderful fathers! Despite the overcast weather, we were still able to enjoy our first water play day of the summer! The children had a blast running through the sprinkler!
Our week culminated by hosting the Father's Day Luncheon, which we made a Luau this year! Several of the youth group kids helped serve our fathers a well-deserved lunch. We had a great turn-out this year and really enjoyed seeing all the father's get together with the kids!
We hope you have a great weekend! Monday we 'leave' for Mexico!
Welcome to Summer Youth!
Please check back often to be kept up to date of our weekly adventures as well as upcoming field trips. This is sure to be an exciting, fun-filled summer. I'm so excited to have all your kids come along for the ride!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Cascading at the Picnic
After a little while, we decided to go on a “walk” (in children-ese that means run!) up the big hill. They started off on a big race but Andrea and I couldn't make our legs go any faster than a leisurely walk. The children didn't last too long running though... about half way up they stopped running and waited for us to catch up with them. At the top of the big hill, the children were so excited to “be on top of the world” and look out over everything. Then we looked into the cascades and dreamed of swimming days ahead. The run back down the hill was just as fun!
Then after our tasty lunches at the picnic tables, Miss Andrea was the waitress and took all the ice cream orders. Altogether we ordered 5 vanilla, 9 twists, and 1 slushie. When the bus came back to pick us up, we were exhausted! Four of the children even fell asleep on the bus!
Simple Activity, Complex Learning
We carried the bucket outside and took advantage of the beautiful weather. All of the balls were spread out covering a small area in the grass. The children took turns choosing a ball and telling us its color. I asked Gabbi what color ball she was going to look for. "I want the purple one," she answered and then went and found a purple one. Noah especially enjoyed this activity, as he is already able to recognize all 26 letters of the alphabet. Noah brought me a ball and said, "it's a green 'n'. 'N' for Noah." After the children finding and naming the ball of their choice I decided to modify the activity. I began to ask the kids to find a specific color or letter. When one of our friends had difficulty finding a color or letter another friend always came to the rescue. "This one's red," Griffin said, as he walked over and pointed at a red ball that Maria was looking for.
Our friends loved choosing the balls, searching for specific colors, and helping each other out. I believe they felt empowered as they were having fun while they were learning and assisting their friends in learning. This experience was beneficial to the kids in many ways. It was exciting to watch their confidence increase with each little colored ball. It is always inspiring and exiciting to realize that sometimes the simplest of things can also create the most complete learning environment.
Reminder: All of our fathers are encouraged to attend our Father's Day Luau, this Friday from 11:3-12:30. Hope to see you there!
~ Ms. Jolene and Ms. Lois
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Bubbles, Bubbles, Bubbles!!
As soon as we came near the children holding the bottle of bubbles, their faces lit up with excitement! The bubbles soon filled the air and the children smiled and clapped their hands. Some of the children crawled after the floating bubbles. Others watched the bubbles fall lazily to the ground. And some others tried popping the bubbles with their tiny hands, then they would laugh at the sound and the fact that the bubble had suddenly vanished!
Here are a few pictures from our bubble fun and the time we spent in the sandbox this week!
Little Toes and Hands Having Fun in the Sand!
This week we sadly say goodbye to Tyler temporarily because he will be spending lots of time with his family this summer. We will miss him, but we are looking forward to seeing him again in the fall when he joins Big Bird Buddies' classroom!

Inside the classroom we have been using our big waffle blocks to create many different things. We've made robots with the blocks and then gotten inside of them to pretend like we're the robot. But I think the children's favorite thing to build is motorcycles because we get to pretend to drive on them. We even tried making a tunnel with the blocks and crawling through it. Some children make it through the tunnel just fine, but others haven't figured out that they have to army crawl to get through it. At choice time, the children make the blocks into a track on their own and they drive their cars on it or walk/run on the track themselves. The blocks sure are a popular item at the moment!

Finally, don't forget that we will be having a Father's Day Luncheon on Friday, June 19th starting at 10:45am and it will last for an hour. We would love all our fathers, grandfathers, or any other special relative to join us as we celebrate father's day. We thank you for all the hard work you do and the unrelenting love that you give to these very special children.
Have a pleasant week and enjoy the beautiful summer weather!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Family surveys
Every day the children laugh, point at the pictures, and name each of their family members in the photos. Today at choice time Gabbi laughed and pointed at her creation, then excitedly announced, “Mommy! Daddy! Carter! Sissy!”
One of the family survey questions asked about what was the family's favorite indoor activities. Ms. Lois responded to the question with, “watching movies and watching birds in the bird feeder.” Ms. Jolene said, “playing cards and reading.” Some of our other friends have said that they loved to do silly things to make each other laugh, play with toys, make puzzles, and read.
The survey is definitely helping us to become better friends with each other. It is so fun to learn about what each of our very unique families is like and it helps the children start learning about diversity in families. So, what is your favorite indoor activity?
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Fun on the floor
Caitlyn looked like a penguin as she slid from one mat to the other. It was so cute! Josh, Bailey, and Billy spent lots of time sitting on the mats and playing with some of the other toys. Many of the children had fun sitting in between the mats as though they were in an enclosed play area! We sure love the mats as a versatile play material with so many options in the classroom!
Here are some pictures from this week!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Musical Chairs in Sesame Street
We've also been going crazy over markers lately! Our friends think it is so cool to take the lid off and then put it back on. They do this over and over again to their little hearts' content, especially Lola! ;) We think that Aiden's favorite color is green because he asks for that color most of the time and usually spends a long time coloring with it.
Here's a couple pictures to enjoy taken today. See you next week!
Monday, June 8, 2009
Camping out… and more!
O dreary Monday! We weren’t able to go outside today because it was too wet on the playground. But we did have a camp-out indoors!
Rather, some of our children set up the house area for a camp-out. Susie, Annalisa, Ellie, & Morgan decided to start piling blocks inside the house. They laid them out like bricks on the floor, then called it a big bed! Some of the girls brought their own blankets into the house, while the others grabbed our playtime baby blankets. They snuggled up inside and pretended to sleep. Then Ellie and Morgan moved their campout to the outside of the house. It wasn’t long before their camp-out party attracted more guests! Caty, Maya, and Sophie joined the girls in the house.
Susie opened the window of the house to talk to me. “Ms. Maria? Are you okay outside? It’s very dark outside.” I confirmed that I was alright under the stars. Then all 5 of the children left the house briefly. Annalisa announced that they were on their way to a friend’s house. “She has her own club.” When they came back – about 15 seconds later – Annalisa said, “The club wasn’t really that fun.” They settled back into their “beds”, turned on a “movie” and then I heard 3 of them say, “This ROCKS!”
In other areas of the class, ZoĆ« got dressed up and played a solo game of candy land in our quiet area. Max and Haruka drew pictures at the writing table. Ernie and Maya went bowling with the blocks using fruit from the kitchen area. I think Ernie knocked others’ blocks over more than his own. :) Riya and Miss Rachel looked at books, then played Candy Land together. And Rosalinda pretended to brush her teeth with some of the kitchen area’s plastic food. Here is a collection of pictures from the day’s events.
Finally, last week we were borrowing some magnet blocks from Kanga’s Kids. They were such a big hit that they never went neglected if there was a spare moment to play! On Tuesday Noah was playing at the table with Miss Andrea and building with those magnets. He told Ms. Andrea, “This is a house. My house has two living rooms. Dad and brother are watching TV. Dad is here and brother is here.” He points to the places he indicated. He goes on with his story, “Mom is cooking dinner.” Ms. Andrea asked him, “What is she cooking?” Noah answers, “Pasta in the kitchen.” Then Noah’s magnet house fell when the table got bumped. He took it in stride and simply started rebuilding it. We can’t wait to see what other things the children build with the classroom’s blocks!
Friday, June 5, 2009
Oh the Benefits of the Sun!
Well that's it for the week! Youth Group will start their posts next week when Casey is with us all day! Have a great sunshine-y weekend!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Leather, Vinyl, & Wool... Oh My!
Well... in Big Bird this week, those are the things we have been using to create touch 'n' feel baby farm animal books! Already we have colored a calf, a lamb, and a piglet. After coloring the pictures, the children glued on their sensory materials: black leather on the calf; pink-textured vinyl for the piglet; and of course, white wool for the lamb. The children are really enjoying the activity and its appeal to their sense of touch in a variety of ways.
We are also anxiously awaiting the rest of our family fun surveys. We are excited to learn more about our families and to display their pictures in our room for the children to look at throughout the day!
Happy Thursday!
-Miss Jolene & Miss Lois
Oh the Fun we have in Sesame Street!
Lola, Tyler, Emilio, and Aiden
Were having so much fun in Sesame Street playin'
They played with the animals and rode on the trucks.
We even had a good time connecting the ducks.
Tyler sang us a song
While all of the others followed along.
Aiden showed us his red hat,
And Emilio said, “Look at that!”
Lola giggled while Ms. Melissa tickled her tummy,
And all the other children thought it was quite funny.
We have a blast in Sesame Street, you see,
Won't you come and play with me?
Monday, June 1, 2009
New Faces in Magic Kingdom
To kick off the first official blog post from a class, I am going to share some news about some new faces you can see in our class. We’ve recently had a couple children move from Big Bird Buddies into our class. A couple weeks ago it was Connor, and today we welcomed Buster! Miss Andrea and I are happy to have a couple boys joining our ranks, as the boy population in our class has been outnumbered for the entire school year. We’ll see what the summer and next school year brings, but maybe our ratio of boys to girls will flip-flop. Here’s a picture of Buster playing on his first day officially in Magic Kingdom!
We also welcomed a new grown-up face in our room. Miss Rachel will be student-teaching for 3 days each week. She’s a student at Jackson Community College and will be with us for only 3 weeks. We are certainly happy to get to know another teacher and the children love her already. First thing this morning, I was getting ready to read a book to Rosalinda, and as soon as she learned Miss Rachel was going to be helping in our room, I was left in the dust. She immediately left and asked Miss Rachel to read her book. :) Here’s a picture of Miss Rachel exploring noodles in the sensory table with some of the children at work time.
And finally, one last story. During small group time today, the blue group started exploring the music area. The children came up with many great ideas about what materials we could use in the music area and how we could use them. Today, Maya and Max decided they wanted to use the music sticks to bang on the pots and pans from our house area. The first few minutes was used to bang away freely watching for the cues to start and stop. Then we practiced imitating sound patterns and rhythms. I think we drove the red group insane while they used stencils in the art area though. We’ll be sure to try something a bit quieter tomorrow.
Come back tomorrow to hear about some new in Sesame Street! Until then, here are a few more pictures from today and Friday.