Thursday, May 6, 2010

Spring Break in Kanga's Kids

During Spring Break, the teachers in Kanga's Kids completed their home visits. Thank you to all of our families that welcomed us into their homes!

In early April, we explored and learned all about pets. We ate like pets, moved like pets, and most exciting of all, we made our favorite pet noises. Woof, Woof! Meow!

Bugs have become the latest trend in our classroom. We placed a spider into a small bug cage inside our classroom and observed it for a short time. The children were careful to remember that it would need something to climb on and a place to hide.

The children have been enjoying the warm, Spring weather. During outside time, our kids can be found riding bicycles, searching for bugs, running races, or playing pretend.

Take time to explore the outdoors with your children! It provides many learning opportunties!


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