Thursday, April 29, 2010

Bubbles and Flyswatters?

Sesame Street spent the week using a wide variety of materials to explore bubbles.

The children were encouraged to pop the bubbles using several different body parts; hands, elbows, feet, and heads.

During another exploration, bubble solution was poured into a pan and the children used some interesting household supplies to blow bubbles; flyswatters, bubble wands, cookie cutters, stacking rings, and a sifter.

The children in Sesame Street discovered that their puppets love to eat bubbles! As Ms. Ciera blew bubbles the children caught them in the mouths of their puppets.

They observed bubbles as they popped on paper. They painted with bubble solution and used straws to create bubbly rainbows on coffee filters.

Key Developmental Indicators from this exploration:
Moving in locomotor and nonlocomotor ways, moving with objects, pretending and role playing, drawing and painting, describing objects, creating and experiencing collaborative play, using something in several ways, observing things from different viewpoints.

Looking for a fun at home project? Put your bubble solution into the freezer for an hour. Take the solution out, blow bubbles, and observe.

What will happen? Your bubbles will last longer in the air and they will also have a cracked appearance!

You can teach a student a lesson for a day; but if you can teach him to learn by creating curiosity, he will continue the learning process as long as he lives. ~Clay P. Bedford


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