Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Exploring The Outback

Our travel plans last week took us down under to Australia- the only country that occupies an entire continent.

During the week we explored The Outback of Australia by decorating our own boomerangs. We also created our own version of a Dideridoo, which is a wooden tubular musical instrument used by native Australians.

Our cooking project was an Australian treat called Banana Pops. To make this yummy treat we took half a banana and rolled it in honey and coconut. After freezing it overnight we were able to eat them!

We also discussed that Australia is known for having beautiful beaches along its coast. Since we could not go to the beach we tried our best to bring it to us! First we used sand to decorate some tropical fish. We planned an exciting field trip to Nixon Pool. However, the weather did not cooperate and our trip was postponed. Luckily, we did get a chance to play in the sprinkler on water play day, here at ABC Academy.

This week, we have ventured off to Germany. A highlight for the week: we will be making our own handmade pretzels and pinwheels!


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