In the end of August, the infants of Pooh Corner were able to experience a "Taste and Texture Day". Ms. Amber and Ms. Mel provided the infants with yummy, slimy foods to touch, taste, smell, and of course, throw. The teachers provided cooked spaghetti pasta, chocolate pudding, jell-o, whipped cream, and water. Along with the foods, a variety of utensils such as spoons, cups, and small bowls were given to the infants to encourage their exploration. A few of the infants were hesitant to touch the materials and some couldn't get their hands on the materials fast enough, and dug right in! They were smearing the pudding and whipped cream around, waving the noodles in front of their faces, and not to our surprise, eating it right up! Yes, it was messy. However, it was so much fun to watch the children explore the different tastes and textures that the mess was entirely worth it. "Taste and Texture Day" was a fun and exciting way to wind down from a fun and exciting summer. We cannot wait to do it again... good thing we will have to wind down Fall soon!
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