Thursday, February 18, 2010

Kanga's Kids in February

Doctors and dentists filled the dramatic play area this month. Our students had a great time pretending to work in the doctor’s office located in our play area. Some favorite items included a keyboard, schedule, bandages, dental tools, big teeth and a heart. Putting on the stethoscope and listening to our hearts we hear the sound, “bump, bump, bump,” said one student. “There now you’re all better,” said another.
*Key Experience(s): Relating to other children, Relating to adults, Initiating Play

For Valentine’s Day the students wrote their names on big envelopes that they decorated with stickers. Taking turns they passed out their treats while practicing their friendship manners. We are working on using words of friendship like; “please” “share”, “thanks”, and “would you like to play?”
* Key Experience(s): Writing, Creative Representation

We will be ending this month with a field trip to Burger King to see “What happens behind the counter. Then we will take a pretend field trip as we “fly to Florida”.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution."
Albert Einstein


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