Friday, November 18, 2011

We Are A Thankful Bunch

This month we got to make handprint turkeys using various colors of stamp pads. The children got to choose what color they wanted each fingerprint to be and had fun exploring patterns in their fingerprints with a magnifying glass. Our friends really enjoyed this activity and it made for an adorable art project!

We also enjoyed reading Winnie the Pooh's Thanksgiving. After reading the story, we pretended to have our very own Thanksgiving Feast in the House Area. We cooked up quite a meal and had to take a long nap because our bellies were so full of delicious food! Sesame Street also drew pictures of what we are thankful for, Ms. Melissa shared what she was thankful for and showed the children pictures of her family and friends!

Here's a thoughtful quote of Thanksgiving! Enjoy!

"For each morning with its light
For rest and shelter of the night,
For health and food, for love and friends,

For everything they goodness sends."
~Ralph Waldo Emerson


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