Thursday, June 17, 2010

Heading "Into the Wild"

We kicked off our summer this week and headed "Into the Wild" by turning into scientists and performing a variety of wild experiments. Early in the week we explored what would happen by mixing a couple of mentos (the fresh maker) with a bottle of diet pop. The reaction was quite explosive as we saw a geyser occur right on our very own playground. Throughout the week we also used our scientific skills to explore jelly crystals and energy beads. Our final experiment of the week combined a lot of hands-on work and critical thinking skills as we teamed up to create egg shelters. Using a variety of household objects partners were assigned the task of creating a shelter that would house an egg and prevent it from cracking when dropped a long distance from up high.

When not performing scientific experiments the Youth Group spent some time this week welcoming everyone back for the summer and getting to know one another. We all made collages displaying some of our favorite things and shared our explanation for each picture in the collage. We also created some zany balloon self-portraits using a balloon and other materials such as yarn, markers, and wallpaper samples.

It was a great first week for the Youth Group. We are looking forward to a lot of "wild" experiences throughout the rest of our summer!


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