Thursday, September 17, 2009

Welcome to a New School Year!

It's fall and another school year is in full swing at ABC Academy! W've seen some children go off to Kindergarten or return to school and we've happily welcomed new children into our classrooms! It's hard to believe how fast our children have grown up. I always get a bit nostalgic at the beginning of a school year, especially when I see the children advancing from one class to another. My own son is moving up at the end of the month and I know many of you have experienced this change recently too. I think it's a nice time to take a minute and reflect on how far our children have come!

Now to change gears.

Looking ahead, we have a lot of things to be excited about this year! Here are just a few of those things.

-A Renewed excitement and commitment to this blog. You will probably notice some little changes in our little corner of cyberspace. We will be adding new types of posts, such as the new parent discussion topics published on some Saturdays. Those will be a topic starter where you as parents can give tips and tricks, advice, and personal experience stories to answer other parents' questions. We are also setting up a way to download newsletters and calendars directly to your computer. **If you have any suggestions about how we can make this blog more resourceful for you, please let us know what they are!**

-A New parent advisory committee. Parents from around the building have volunteered time to help plan events and activities that will be happening around the center. They will also act as advocates for the rest of the parents in the center by helping improve communications and your experiences at our center. If you would like to be a part of the committee, you are welcome to join by talking to Kim. The parent advisory committee has already had their first meeting and Kim will make the minutes from that meeting available to any other parent who is interested.

-More family activities and connections. We are planning to have family events almost every month during this school year. Sometimes the event will be an at-school event and sometimes it will be an evening or weekend event. Some highlighted events include a Friday evening tailgate party in October, Decorate a family gingerbread house at pick-up time in December, and a Friday Movie/pajama night in January. Watch for more information about these events in your child's cubby.

Remember that Tuesday, September 22 is our Curriculum night. It starts at 6:00 and will last about an hour. Kids, bring your parents to show them how much fun you have at school!


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